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How to Make Beaded Bridal Necklaces


A handmade, beaded bridal necklace is a sentimental and personal gift to give a bride, or one she can make for herself. Custom designed jewelry allows the bride to wear something specially made for her -- representing her personal taste in fashion. If you're working with old beads, such as pearls or rhinestones that have been taken from a relative's bracelet, it also provides the opportunity to incorporate something old to create something new.

1. Set the assorted beads on a work surface such as a table. Arrange them in various designs, to come up with a pattern for the beaded necklace. For instance, you might do an every-other design where you alternate between a white pearl bead and a crystal one, which has a bridal look. Or create an all-pearl necklace with one rhinestone accent bead in the center -- that drops down in front. Keep the colors white, always elegant for a bridal necklace.
2. Wrap the clear fishing wire around the bride's neck, to determine how long to make the necklace. Add 1 inch to the length, to account for creating the clasp and tying the ends. Use a clear fishing wire for bridal jewelry, so that the wire does not stand out in pictures. Cut the fishing wire with scissors.
3. Fold the fishing wire 1 inch from the end. Thread the crimp bead onto the end of the wire. String the toggle clasp, through the loop, onto the wire after the crimp bead. A toggle clasp is an elegant option for bridal jewelry, because it looks more decorative than a standard lobster claw clasp.
4. Fold the end of the wire, and thread it over the toggle loop and through the hole in the crimp bead. This step keeps the toggle clasp in place next to the crimp bead.
5. Press the crimp bead flat with crimping pliers. This ensures the crimp bead won't move out of place. Apply pressure to the pliers, but do not press so hard that you cut through the crimp bead and the wire.
6. String the beads onto the wire from the open end, in the pattern you decided on in Step 1. The clasp at the end holds the beads in place, as they are piled onto the wire for the necklace.
7. Finish the bridal jewelry necklace with the toggle bar -- the part that fits into the toggle clasp to secure the necklace. Again, string the crimp bead on first, and then the toggle bar. Loop the wire around the toggle bar's loop and back through the crimp bead. Snip off any excess wire, so that it does not stick out. Press the crimp bead flat with the pliers.